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Info + Contact

—  About me, social media, and how to get in touch

—  About

Francis Carson is a photographer originally from the sun-kissed groves of Florida’s Indian River.

Welcome to the Carson Template. To get started, watch these short videos on Squarespace basics and read the template guide. This Text Block is perfect for generating visitor interest by going into more detail about yourself, your project, or company. You can talk about how your idea started, how long you’ve been working on it and why it’s important.

You can also use this space to answer any questions your visitors may have about you or your work. To get them interested in filling out the Newsletter Block on the right or the Form Block below, you can talk about your creative process, what sets your idea apart, and how you like to share it. Learn more about blocks here.



—  Follow




Booking + Press

—  Representation



Djinn Webber, NYC
+1 212 555 1234


Agent d'Artiste
Renée Carrénard, Paris
+33 (0) 55 5555 0678


Nameless Rep
Gordon Fan, Hong Kong
+852 1234 5678



General Inquiries

—  I’d love to hear from you



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